"I've used 10 Tactics in classes on activism with undergraduate students and used in co-curricular trainings on activism for students."
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English | Español | ျမန္မာစာ | Беларуская |
Download 10 tactics filesUsing 10 tactics 10 Tactics uses a Creative Commons license Attribution Share Alike license and we encourage you to copy, distribute, re-mix, adapt, translate it and to use it in any way that will support your rights advocacy. All we ask is that if you view 10 Tactics and it inspires a new idea or project; or if you use it part of a screening, workshop or in any other way please let us know about it! Also please to tell us what you think of 10 Tactics. 10 tactics DVDDownload the 10 tactics DVD file (3gb) and this README text file which explains what to do with this zipped file.The 10 Tactics film on the DVD can be viewed with subtitles in: Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bengali, English, Belarusian, Bosnian-Serbian- Croatian-Montenegrin, Burmese, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), French, Indonesian, Japanese, Georgian, Hindi, Macedonian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Urdu, Ukrainian, and Brazilian-Portuguese. The DVD also includes the 10 Tactics cards in Arabic, Burmese, Belarusian, Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian-Montenegrin, English, Russian, Spanish, and Ukranian. 10 tactics cardsDownload all 10 tactics cards in English. The cards are in pdf format and can be easily printed on a home printer. High resolution 10 tactics cards (zip 38mb) Lower resolution 10 tactics cards (zip 4.0mb) 10 tactics film MKV filesDownload this low-res version (361mb) for personal use. The film is in english and no subtitles are included. Download this high-res version (804mb) for screenings if you want to play it with subtitles. 10 tactics film trailerDownload the low-res english film trailer (20MB) Download the high-res version of the english film trailer (76MB)
To download subtitles in other languages see the subtitle support page. Belarusian, Chinese, Western Balkan DVD options are coming soon or email us if you would like to use these language materials or create other language DVD or cards options. 10 TACTICS ALBANIANLow Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Albanian (zip 6.2mb) High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Albanian (zip 38mb)
10 TACTICS ARABIC Download the 10 Tactics DVD file with Arabic menu, film subtitles and cards (3.1gb). See '10 Tactics DVD' above for instructions on how to create a DVD with this file. High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Arabic (zip 49mb) Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Arabic (zip 8.9mb)
10 tactics BELARUSSIAN Download the 10 Tactics DVD file with Belarussian menu, film subtitles and cards (2.9gb). See '10 Tactics DVD' above for instructions on how to create a DVD with this file. High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Belarussian (zip 48mb) Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Belarussian (zip 6mb)
10 TACTICS BOSNIAN-SERBIAN-CROATIAN-MONTENEGRIN Download the 10 Tactics DVD file with BSCM menu, film subtitles and cards (2.9gb). See '10 Tactics DVD' above for instructions on how to create a DVD with this file. Download the High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian-Montenegrin (zip 49.7mb). Download the Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian-Montenegrin (zip 5.9mb).
10 TACTICS Burmese Download the 10 Tactics DVD file with Burmese menu, film subtitles and cards (2.9gb). See '10 Tactics DVD' above for instructions on how to create a DVD with this file. Download the entire film in Burmese in low resolution and high resolution(MOV, 1.1 GB). Download the High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Burmese (zip 39.9mb). Download the Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Burmese (zip 8mb). 10 TACTICS CHINESE Download the 10 Tactics cards in Chinese (traditional characters - low resolution) (zip 6.9 mb). Download the 10 Tactics cards in Chinese (traditional characters - high resolution) (zip 46 mb). Download the 10 Tactics cards in Chinese (simplified characters - low resolution) (zip 6.6 mb). Download the 10 Tactics cards in Chinese (simplified characters - high resolution) (zip 39mb).
10 TACTICS FRENCH Download the 10 Tactics DVD file with French menu, film subtitles and cards (2.5gb). See '10 Tactics DVD' above for instructions on how to create a DVD with this file. Download the High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in French (zip 35 mb). Download the Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in French (zip 4mb).
10 TACTICS MACEDONIAN Download the High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Macedonian (zip 38.5 mb). Download the Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Macedonian (zip 5.7 mb).
10 tactics RUSSIAN Download the 10 Tactics DVD file with Russian menu, film subtitles and cards (2.9gb). See '10 Tactics DVD' above for instructions on how to create a DVD with this file. (This version includes Belarussian subtitle options also). High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Russian (zip 22mb) Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Russian (zip 4.8mb)
10 tactics SPANISH High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Spanish (zip 13.4mb) Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Spanish (zip 5.9mb)
10 tactics UKRAINIAN Download the High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Ukrainian (zip 4.9mb) Download the Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Ukrainian (zip 8.9mb)
10 tactics BrAZILIAN-PORTUGUESE Download the High Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Brazilian-Portuguese (zip 37.4mb) Download the Low Resolution 10 Tactics cards in Brazilian-Portuguese (zip 4.6mb) |
"I've used 10 Tactics in classes on activism with undergraduate students and used in co-curricular trainings on activism for students."
Barbara Rinto,
University of Cincinnati Women's Center,
United States