Tactic1 Template_2
Submitted by allan on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 22:13
mobilise people
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Plan your action
- In Burma, bloggers and rights advocates faced significant risks in coming forward with their testimonies and evidence. How will you protect yourself and others involved in and supporting your campaign? Consider the digital trail you may leave: your IP address, email accounts, passwords, lists of friends you have on social network sites, the names that your mobile phones and SIM cards were purchased under, and the names and organisations that websites’ domain names have been registered to.
- In Burma, bloggers and rights advocates faced significant risks in coming forward with their testimonies and evidence. How will you protect yourself and others involved in and supporting your campaign?
- In Burma, bloggers and rights advocates faced significant risks in coming forward with their testimonies and evidence. How will you protect yourself and others involved in and supporting your campaign? Consider the digital trail you may leave: your IP address, email accounts, passwords, lists of friends you have on social network sites, the names that your mobile phones and SIM cards were purchased under, and the names and organisations that websites’ domain names have been registered to.
- In Burma, bloggers and rights advocates faced significant risks in coming forward with their testimonies and evidence. How will you protect yourself and others involved in and supporting your campaign? Consider the digital trail you may leave: your IP address, email accounts, passwords, lists of friends you have on social network sites, the names that your mobile phones and SIM cards were purchased under, and the names and organisations that websites’ domain names have been registered to.
Do it yourself
- In Burma, bloggers and rights advocates faced significant risks in coming forward with their testimonies and evidence. How will you protect yourself and others involved in and supporting your campaign? Consider the digital trail you may leave: your IP address, email accounts, passwords, lists of friends you have on social network sites, the names that your mobile phones and SIM cards were purchased under, and the names and organisations that websites’ domain names have been registered to.
- In Burma, bloggers and rights advocates faced significant risks in coming forward with their testimonies and evidence. How will you protect yourself and others involved in and supporting your campaign?
- In Burma, bloggers and rights advocates faced significant risks in coming forward with their testimonies and evidence. How will you protect yourself and others involved in and supporting your campaign? Consider the digital trail you may leave: your IP address, email accounts, passwords, lists of friends you have on social network sites, the names that your mobile phones and SIM cards were purchased under, and the names and organisations that websites’ domain names have been registered to.
- In Burma, bloggers and rights advocates faced significant risks in coming forward with their testimonies and evidence. How will you protect yourself and others involved in and supporting your campaign? Consider the digital trail you may leave: your IP address, email accounts, passwords, lists of friends you have on social network sites, the names that your mobile phones and SIM cards were purchased under, and the names and organisations that websites’ domain names have been registered to.

WITNESS, an NGO for video advocacy, hosts its own video sharing website. WITNESS, an NGO for video advocacy, hosts its own video sharing website, The Hub (http:// http://hub.witness.org/), where anyone can upload videos related to human rights. On The Hub, a community of advocates receptive to rights issues are already gathered, and WITNESS has a history of protecting advocates’ right to free expression. One drawback is that The Hub does not have the massive, diverse audience that other very popular video sites have; so you may want to use it as well as popular sites like YouTube if your aim is to get as big an audience as possible.
VIOLETA KRASNIC, FROM WITNESS, ON CONCEALING IDENTITY: “Filming concealed identity interviews is a matter of trust, in people and in technology. Our consent process conveys the purpose of the video and its intended use in the video advocacy campaign and is built on an un- derstanding of the security implications of the interview.”
AUNG, BURMESE RIGHTS ADVOCATE, ON GETTING INFORMATION OUT: “The Saffron Revolution clearly indicated how citizen journalists are powerful for our country. Sometimes we bring information across the border using recording devices, and sometimes we use email or FTP – these are the sorts of methods we are using so far. Even though the regime has tried to shut down everything, bloggers and citizen jour- nalists have been able to bring information to the outside media.”