Throughout 2010, Tactical Tech has been collecting evaluation feedback from the organisations and individuals we sent copies of 10 Tactics. This evaluation is important for us to understand the project successes, but also to understand weaknesses in terms of geographical reach and the limitations of the materials in different contexts. We've just finished reviewing this feedback for the first time.


Here are some early findings....

Most (59%) of the 70 evaluation respondents said 10 Tactics had increased their knowledge of how digital technology can be used for advocacy 'a lot' while 35% said it had increased their knowledge 'a little'.

7% felt it had not increased their knowledge but was still a good reference. 

Most of the respondents were working for an NGO (60%) while 14% worked in the education sector and 10% worked with independent media.

The area of work the respondents stated they most worked on was human rights (51%) followed by 41% who worked in education, 36% on environment issues and 33% on access to information.

56% of the respondents said they'd already managed to use 10 Tactics In their work while 39% said they had plans to.

Here are a few of the ways people said they'd used 10 Tactics.


“I used it with a group of East European and Central Asian journalists to explain the way storytelling is changing in the digital age.” Jonathan Marks, Consultant, Netherlands

“I organised screenings of 10 tactics twice in Bangalore in 2010. Enabled reaching out to nearly 150 NGOs and activists.” Dr.Mahendra Rajara, Independent Consultant, India

Workshops and courses:

“I used it as part of a communications/campaign training in China. The tactics material was very coveted. The impact was huge and people are very motivated by the cards.” Gina Sanchez, Greenpeace.

 “I use it in my university classes, in courses on NGO management and ICT for Development. The students loved it, it really helps to realise the importance of properly presenting information (and the entire process leading to it, including how to ensure the security of those providing the info). 10 Tactics should be shown in any communications courses or other types of educational offerings. It´s a fantastic resource!” Manuel Acevedo, Consultant in International Development Cooperation, Argentina


“10 Tactics featured the use of maps to represent information. This has helped us think about how to use images to share our research findings, so that they are more accessible and useful to people than a typical research report.”Oreoluwa Somolu, Women's Technology Empowerment Centre – W.TEC, Nigeria

“I have used [10 Tactics] myself to keep abreast with how technologies can be used for social activism. I had distributed the DVD to my friends and they liked it very much.” Vasantha Raju, student, India


"A project called "TOGETHER AGAINST TORTURE" was designed using the 10 Tactics materials. It to sensitise people about torture and its effects." Damoh Mustapha, Prisoners Rehabilitation And Welfare Action (PRAWA), Nigeria

 “When trying to develop a campaign to advocate for asylum seekers arriving in Australia we used some of the case studies as inspiration for our own.” Tamara Para, Sri Lanka Human Rights Project, Australia

We asked for critical feedback on 10 Tactics as well and concerns were raised focus on the need for a wider choice of language options, more widespread availability, easier-to-use packaging and the need for accompanying workshop guides to better integrate 10 Tactics into training activities.

Tactical Tech are in the process of addressing these concerns. Already we've tweaked the packaging; we've started developing workshop plans; and we have also just completed the multi-language version of 10 Tactics with 25 language options.

We also took up one persons suggestions and made 10 Tactics available for purchase on Amazon.

Everyone who completed the 10 Tactics evaluation forms went into a pool with the chance of winning a flipcam video camera. You can read about the winner here.

A big thankyou to everyone who was able to take time to return this valuable information.

If you've used 10 Tactics please give us your feedback.

If you've used 10 Tactics for a screening or a workshop, add it to our map.

Picture: Flipcam winners at MAEC, Tanzania, distributing Ten Tactics.