What people say about 10 tactics

What did you think of 10 Tactics? Add your quote here.
“I'm using the 10 Tactics materials in a class I am teaching for graduate students, "Guerrilla Public Art: Socially Mediated Interventions" at the Rhode Island School of Design. The tactics have been really helpful in identifying, analyzing, and producing strategies for the different participants that can become involved in public art works." Christopher Robbins, Rhode Island School Of Design Graduate Studies, United States
“We screened 10 Tactics to a group of international media and communication students and lecturers as part of a course on communication for social change. The film was a huge success, students especially liked the combination of hands-on tactics and the international focus of the film.” Igor ter Halle, Windesheim Honours College, The Netherlands
“10 Tactics is something that has to be seen by migration and human right advocates.” Representative from Mexico's National Commission for Human Rights Click here for the full story
“The materials in the toolkit are designed to create successful advocacy campaigns that convey a clear message to propel the right actions. The toolkit is user friendly and inspires the readers to think of creative ways in constructing a campaign.” Chin Cabrido, Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Centre, Philippines
“10 tactics enables anyone involved in info-activism, communication for development and ICT4D to find inspiration and fresh ideas to enhance the impact of their work. 10 tactics is comprehensive and up-to-date yet highlights specific examples that people can learn and borrow from, thereby further enabling sharing of ideas and collaboration.” Marten Schoonman, Gallaudet University, Kenya
“I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to disseminate this practical knowledge and message of social change. I think the audience found the materials to be very useful and also applicable to their communities here in Texas.” Jorge F. Peña, Department of Communication Studies, The University of Texas, Austin
“What phenomenal work you are doing! I recently attended a screening of 10 Tactics in Washington. I can't tell you how inspired I am to implement your ideas into my own work with people with disabilities. For my own work, I will probably focus on using the "personal stories" tactic to encourage public service announcements and change in educational policy to improve the quality of education for deaf students in developing countries.” Leah Maxson, Gallaudet University, United States
"10 Tactics has so many good ideas for the use of ICTs to support the work we do. I will use these stories to develop new approaches for budget monitoring and to identify new ways to make the information we collect more accessible to the public." Julius Mwanga, Kabarole Research and Resource Centre, Uganda
“When I first heard about Tactical Tech it was as if all of the ideas bouncing around in my head had coalesced into something that would work... They provide a route with all their wonderful insights about new communications technology that we old stagers can’t quite comprehend. This is the future!” Mike Jempson, Director of MediaWise, United Kingdom
“I found the film very inspiring. I really love the fact that you can do so much with very little, such as SMS and Blogging campaigns. I am politically-minded, but I didn’t realise there were so many people doing this stuff! It is brilliantly made, educational and enjoyable”. Humberto Pérez-Blanco, Film Studies Lecturer, University of West England, United Kingdom
"I loved the case studies! Tactical Tech clearly made an effort to find relevant, fresh examples." Timo Luego, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Switzerland
"The 10 Tactics film was great. Especially I liked the Morocco police story. We have many such examples of police corruption in Tanzania. I learnt from this story how involving people in capturing these kinds of abuses of power can lead to change." Harold Sungusia, Legal and Human Rights Centre, Tanzania
"The [10 Tactics] film has directed me toward the solutions I have been looking for to support our work on democratic participation. The Kubutana and Sodnet examples will now help me sensitise and inspire my colleagues. I hope we will be able to implement something similar for our work in Uganda." John Silco, RIC-NET, Uganda
"I'd never come across Tactical Tech until a few days ago, but after seeing your video and getting [the 10 Tactics] pack from the elections and technology conference, I'm already a big fan." Sam Rich, Uganda Witness.org, Uganda
"The material is FANTASTIC. Folks in my office are fighting over a chance to have a look. I think it is an especially useful tool for trainers, such as myself, who are constantly on the look out for great, inspirational materials. I also like the versatility of it and just how attractive the design is. It is very portable too." Gina Sanchez, Greenpeace International, The Netherlands
"I definitely plan to develop trainings with the 10 Tactics pack. The video is a powerful way for us to explain why what we do is important and the cards will help us guide others through the choices they need to make to realise their projects and goals." Jessica Dheere, Social Media Exchange, Lebanon
"Human rights violations are so prevalent in Sri Lanka and sometimes the tools that we have don't serve the purpose to address this. 10 Tactics has given us so many refreshing ideas.” Manohari Sanjeewika, freelance video journalist, Sri Lanka
“The 10 tactics pack is excellent. Many helpful tips and ideas for formulating communication strategies and rolling out an advocacy campaign. The design is functional as well as attractive and colourful. Thanks Tactical Technology Collective!” Fiona Wellby, Campaigns Communication Coordinator, World Vision Australia, Australia
"I'm now finishing watching the film and its fantastic! I'm really impressed with the clarity and messages coming through as well as with the material. So straightforward and a great design!" Diana Felix da Costa, Grace Media, Portugal
“[The 10 tactics screening] reminded me of a meeting I attended with Steve Jobs and Wozniak in Palo Alto, 1982. Filled with vision and energy.” Martha Jennings, Save the Children, UK
“What an inspiring movie! I see our organisation, Open Maps Caucasus, using many of these tactics as we implement new projects in the region. I was particularly interested in how large data sets can be visualized through maps (as was seen in Darfur and Lebanon).” Austin Miles Cowley, Open Maps Caucasus, Georgia
“I liked the film because it bridged the gap between having information and what you can do with information”. Anthony Killick, Film and Philosophy student, United Kingdom
“With films like 10 Tactics...there is now a wealth of information and advice available to organisations who want to embrace the possibilities of [new] technologies and work more effectively.” Bill Thompson, Digital Planet, BBC, UK
“It’s just what activists need: clear, timely, and concise information that can be easily put into action.” Mary Joyce, DigiActive, US
“The info-activism toolkits were remarkable … well laid-out and appealingly designed... The examples of activism used to demonstrate the 10 Tactics were inspiring. 10 Tactics provided invaluable insight and ideas, as well as experienced words of caution, for how to turn information into action and demonstrated how rights advocates around the world are using the internet and digital technologies to create positive change.” Anasakia Elsom, rights activist, Australia
“Very inspiring movie: I think some tools and tactics covered in the movie, can be used in Georgia too.” Tiko Tsomaia, Journalist, Georgia
"The film was inspiring... because there are times when people do feel helpless. Sometimes there are already cases of violence against civilians and how do we go about making these cases known to the public so that we can see justice? We have to find ways to empower ourselves not just with principles but with the know-how as well." Clair Ching, blogger, Philippines
“This documentary is very important and timely viewing for all and most relevant to advocates working in the grassroots, campaigners and information activists.” The Centre for Internet & Society, India
"Powerful tools! Really inspiring and opens up new creative opportunities for campaigning, as never before." Joko Arif, Greenpeace, Southeast Asia
“Dissemination of information is very important. This film can play an important role in turning information into action.” Robaet Ferdous, Associate Professor of Mass Communication and Journalism Department of Dhaka University, Bangladesh
"These stories make us interrogate ourselves about the ways in which we currently use social media, and consider how we could start using them for purposes that go beyond our own self interest. [The film] has provided us with stimulus as viewers to explore the virtual world in a way that can be the key for creating great changes in the real world." Mariana Moraes, student, Brazil
“I like the way the film mixes high-tech tools, "good sense" and basic reason. This movie can be of interest for both "people in the business" (NGOs, activists, etc.) and the general public, who are more and more aware of what is at stake.” Elsa Caternet, Internews, France
"Activists and campaigners are increasingly turning to digital technology and social media platforms to get their messages across..."10 Tactics for Turning Information into Action" provides a handbook in how best to disseminate their ideas.” Digital Planet, BBC, UK
“The first time I heard these stories I felt so excited. I could feel hope and inspiration. I will carry [the film] with me wherever I go and show it to people, especially in places where we do media training.” petitpor, Thailand
“I think it's important to show this film in Brazil. I'll use it to inspire people in the use of new technologies for activism.” VJ Pixel, rights advocate, Brazil
“The film strengthened my motivation as an activist through the tools I already use, while also showing me new ones I was previously unaware of. At the same time, it made me feel closer to a reality that is not usually portrayed in the mass media, making me feel stronger.” Tiago Lucena, political blogger, Portugal
“I think the film came as a surprise to the audience and as a great inspiration too. The follow-up discussion revealed that there’s a lot to talk about – people were asking about the details, tactics, technology and how-to-dos.” Ana Keshelashvili, Assistant Professor, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Georgia
"We had a screening at the Amnesty Australia Sydney office last week and it was really successful. I am going to be running some planning/training sessions with Amnesty University groups early next year and I would really like to give each of the groups a package to help them with campaigning." Courtney Payne, Amnesty International, Australia
"Thank you for supporting the local community we work with. Resources such as these really add value to the social justice and media justice initiatives in San Antonio." DeAnne Cuellar, Texas Media Empowerment Project, USA
"Our screening was wonderful... The Kibera maps piece was central to the screening as discussions ensued on how the maps could be used by the locals for advocacy around service delivery. There were also interesting synergies with Well Told Stories that will serialize some of the practices in Kenya in the form of a comic." Philip Thigo, Social Development Network, Kenya
“The [10 tactics screening in Sydney] was a great opportunity to consider the use of new technologies and those present in our day to day lives in campaigning for social change and defending human rights. It also brought together our community of like-minded organisations and individuals working in Sydney together in a human rights movement. I’m still hearing from people who’d like to get a copy of the film, or come along to another screening as word spreads to others’ contacts in the field.” James Fehon, human rights activist, Australia
“It was a really good and timely film to watch.” Ucha Nanuashvili, Human Rights Information and Documentation Center, Georgia
“I think the film is a powerful illustration of how smart advocacy in the digital age can effectively influence the course of events.” Vera Franz, Open Society Institute, UK
"If you want to effectively use the power of the web If you want to launch an information campaign If you want to effectively say what you want to say online If you want to learn from the experience of others Watch this film!" Blogger, The Blog and Soul Movement, Philippines
"10 Tactics does a great job of laying out precisely how and why activists chose particular tools, what obstacles they faced and overcame, and what the results where on the issue in question." Organising 2.0 Conference, New York
"It's often difficult to explain how activism can benefit from using technology and 10 Tactics demonstrates this in visceral, real ways. 10 Tactics is diverse in gender, race, nationality which is powerful - it shows local and global activism and how tools which are presented often as complicated, are actually simple if explained and appropriated. I think there should be a 10 tactics2! ;-)" Jennifer Radloff, Association for Progressive Communications, South Africa
"The tactics explained in the film and toolkits...are an honest summing up of years of struggle and online activism, thoroughly explained and generously shared with the rest of the world. It is an impressive easy-to-understand and ready-to-use guide for grassroots activists and netizens, many of which may lack the knowledge to making their campaigns successful while protecting themselves and their sources." Hisham, Talk Morocco, Morocco
What did you think of 10 tactics? Add your quote here.