More toolkits & guides

More toolkits & guides

Want to turn information into action?
Here is a list of free toolkits and guides, created by Tactical Tech, to help you develop and fine-tune your advocacy projects. These are available in different languages online or we can send out a limited number of printed copies on request. We also encourage you to translate these into your own language – just let us know if you do!


Get creative
Create your own campaign blogs, websites, videos, podcasts, posters, newsletters and more with Message in-a-box.

Stay mobile
Design and implement a mobile advocacy strategy for your organisation with Mobiles in-a-box.

Protect yourself
Identify the digital security threats in your advocacy work and learn to keep your organisation's data and communications private with Security in-a-box.

Get organised
Find a collection of tools for the day-to-day running of small to medium sized NGOs in Base NGO in-a-box.


Be inspired
Learn about info-activism success stories and how to choose the right tactics for your campaign with 10 tactics for turning information into action.

Get online
Get introduced to a variety of popular online services for use in advocacy work with the Quick 'n' Easy Guide to Online Advocacy.

Visualise it
Use visual communication to strengthen your campaigns and projects with this guide, Visualising Information for Advocacy.

Map it
Explore mapping techniques that can be used for campaigning with Maps for Advocacy.