Human rights advocates, technology activists and NGOs gathered in Nicaragua for an info-activism day which included a screening of 10 Tactics. The day was promoted by REDDES and hosted by ISI, a technology education and promotion institution in Managua, Nicaragua. The day included a screening of 10 Tactics, a four hour workshop on info-activism using internet-based platforms, a two hour workshop on audio and video production, and a two hour workshop on internet security.
Story by Juan Casanueva
10 Tactics was screened as the day's initial activity and introduction to info-activism, internet platforms and the current social interaction over digital media. Based on the film, the audience reflected on how commonly used tools could be used strategically to strengthen or drive advocacy. Most of the audience were common blog writers and readers and Facebook users but very few of them had used these media as tools of advocacy. With the active participation of Nicaraguan Twitter and Facebook rights advocates, basic tactics were explained using local experiences as a starting point.
Gabriela, an active Nicaraguan Twitter community member highlighted the fact that every citizen has the potential to be a witness and also to share though photos, video and tweets what is going on in any social context. Another participant, Martin, shared his own tactics behind using Facebook to promote events, social communities and groups of over 15,000 people in Nicaragua. He stressed that large people gatherings and movements are easier to achieve if the promoters have themselves wide social networks and can effectively communicate the nature of their invitation using an interesting logo/avatar/image, a clear headline tag and a simple short description.
Other forms of info-activism, such as crowdsourcing reports and messages to online maps, digital visualisation tactics, voice response systems and text message communication actions were new to most participants. Some new ideas on applicable tactics were shared as part of an brainstorming session among regional infoactivists. After finishing the info-activism workshop and screening 10 Tactics, most participants were eager to continue learning how they could develop better use of digital tools, such as video production, web page building, Twitter use, visualisation, podcasting and interactive map use.
The day session ended with an audio and video production workshop and an internet security chat by three technology rights advocates and free open source software (FLOSS) leaders: Leonardo Gómez, Rodrigo Rodríguez and Norman García. Simple FLOSS tools were shown as tool-aids in order to explain how a podcast, screencast and videocast could be done at a marginal cost and with very little previous expertise. Another very active Central American FLOSS community member, Byron Corrales shared his site with all participants seeking to develop both basic and advanced skill on FLOSS graphic design tools. The session ended with a security briefing from Tactical Technology Collective security trained Norman García and FLOSS active member Rodrigo Rodriguez explaining how Tactical Tech's Security-in-a-Box toolkit could be used to avoid issues. In the chat, key security habits, suggestions and tools were shared involving both a technical and user-based insight.
Featured multimedia production tools: Screencasts with XVidCap, RecordMyDesktop, Audio with Audacity, Video with Openshot and KDENLive
Ubuntu Nicaragua
Screencasts on Ubuntu use
Leonardo Gómez insights, tutorials, news and editorials on multimedia production with FLOSS tools
Cursor Libre tutorials, news and training tips for FLOSS graphic design using Blender, Gimp and Inkscape
REDDES Multimedia production and planning guides using free software
PHOTOS: Participants watch 10 Tactics