During the month of July 10 Tactics was screened six times in five states across Northeast India. The screenings were hosted by the Foundation of People Empowerment (FPE) in association with Mahiti, and the Panos Institute South Asia. Babul Gogoi from FPE had previously screened 10 Tactics back in December in Guwahati and Sivasagar before using the film as part of six different workshops carried out across Northeast India.
Babul held these six workshops in Dimapur, Jakhama, Itanagar, Aizawl, Agartala and Shillong and says he started every two-day programme with a screening of 10 Tactics. The objective of the workshops was to provide grassroots activists, technologists, journalists and development workers with an introduction to citizen journalism and hands-on experience in using new media tools for reporting and disseminating information.
“10 Tactics is very good in terms of generating awareness about new media tools and tactics for activists" says Babul. These workshops were about new media … so I thought that 10 Tactics would help give the participants preparation and would provide a good introduction. People loved the movie and immediately after showing it we started our new media-training programme.”
The participants at these events included a range professionals working with marginalised communities. Babul explains, " Most of the participants who attended the workshops work on issues around women's empowerment, livelihood issues, health, HIV/AIDS and women and child trafficking. The training helped them to gain new information and I think many of them have got some new ideas. During the programme many people talked about the movie including different SMS campaign ideas. Some of the people who attended run help-lines for HIV/AIDS and the Right to Information Law and for those people new ideas are a very important thing."

Photos by Babul Gogoi. Top image: Participants at the workshop in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh. Bottom image: Participants gather for new media training.