
10 Tactics French DVD

Today we have uploaded a French language DVD that includes all of the 10 Tactics materials. On this DVD, you'll find that the 10 Tactics film comes with with French subtitles, while the 10 Tactics and 5 Basics cards can be viewed and printed in French.

10 Tactics in the Basque country, Spain

Last week 10 Tactics was used twice for NGO gatherings in Basque country. First the film was screened on October 7th to an audience of 20 at a public screening in Mondragon. Mondragon is the the town that began the the MONDRAGON Corporation, a federation of worker cooperatives based in the Basque region of Spain in the 1950s. It is now one of the richest cooperative networks in the world, providing employment for 85,000 people working in 256 companies.

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